New website coming up! May 12 2015
I don't know about you but I always seem to be scrambling to meet deadlines and complete my 'To Do' list which never seems to get shorter. I think the gremlins add things to the list when I'm not looking.

A few months ago, in a moment of madness, I decided it was time to refresh and rebuild our website (hmmm perhaps it is me that adds things to the 'To Do' list). If you have built a website you will know that there is a long time and a lot of work between that initial thought and the final product.
It is a bit like giving birth to a baby .... once the beautiful little thing is up and running you forget the time and pain of producing it so you do it again (have a baby or build a new website!)
We are not quite there yet but it is coming, just not as fast as Christmas! We have a couple of new products ready to be launched which I know you will all love! Stay tuned - our goal is to have the new site launched by early January.
As part of our new online look and presence we realise that videos are a great way to communicate with visitors to our website and to our existing clients.
We have had videos professionally produced in the past but the cost of producing these is very prohibitive. So, our new challenge and learning curve is to produce videos ourselves (hmm, another moment of madness!).
Like everything in life, the professionals make it all look SO EASY! Believe me, its not easy at all. We are improving with each production and from now on our videos will look very professional. We hope you enjoy them and would appreciate any feedback.